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Home 9 Our Services 9 Allergies


What we offer

Our new partnership with Allergy Services of America, LLC (ASA) enables Pampa Medical Group to offer a complete spectrum of allergy testing and immunotherapy to our patients. All testing and treatment will be performed right in the clinic by our Clinical Allergy Coordinator (CAC).

For more information contact us at 806-665-0801


Allergy Clinic

Our clinic is a state of the art allergy testing facility and is staffed by our CAC under the supervision of ASA’s Director of Clinical Allergy Services. This eliminates the need for the physician to out-source allergy testing and have to wait for results.


Your physician may recommend allergy skin testing to identify specific allergens that are causing your symptoms. Skin testing is generally performed by pricking your skin with allergen extracts to evaluate the skin reaction to the allergen.

Allergen Immunotherapy

This type of treatment is the only form of therapy for allergic disease that can lead to complete resolution of symptoms without medications and, when administered to children, may prevent the development of further allergic disease.

Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT)

SCIT is commonly known as “allergy shots” and is the most effective treatment available for symptoms caused by exposure to specific allergens including airborne allergens.

SCIT is administered by injection, gradually increasing doses of an allergen over a period of weeks or even months until the desired target dose is achieved.

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)

SLIT is commonly known as “allergy drops” and is an alternative treatment for allergy shots. This form of immunotherapy allows the patient to place drops of allergen extracts under their tongue. SLIT is painless and can be administered by the patient at home.

How Common Are Allergies?

  • More than 50 million Americans have experienced various types of allergies each year.1
  • Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S.1

Allergies can be managed using various treatment programs that are available today and will lead to a better quality of life. If your doctor confirms you are susceptible to environmental allergens, ask your doctor if you are a candidate for Immunotherapy (SCIT or SLIT). Both have been proven to desensitize the body and treat the cause versus the symptoms.


Make an Appointment!

Call Pampa Medical Group at 806-665-0801.